We are committed to building trust
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) (2) and (3) of Section 33 of the University of Loralai Act, 2012, the University with the approval of the Senate is pleased to make the following rules to regulate the under-graduate programs of studies of the University.
The Academic Rules for the Under-graduate program of studies offered by University of Loralai (UOLI) are in line with the guidelines provided by Higher Education Commission Pakistan regarding semester system. Aspects covered in these regulations include duration of undergraduate Programs; attendance, struck-offs, readmission; change of program; changing from one academic program to another; withdrawal and addition of courses; promotion & probation; freezing of a semester; course limit; examinations; award of degree; criterion for Gold Medal; repetition of courses for improvement of grades; conduct of summer sessions; maintenance of course files; migration / credit transfer policy; fee concession and award of scholarships; fee refund policy and discipline at campus.
Duration of the Program
4.1 The programs leading to BS shall be of four years duration, equally divided into eight semesters.
4.2. Each semester shall be spread over eighteen weeks, 16 weeks for teaching, and two weeks for the preparation and the conduct of examinations.
6.1 Changing from one academic program to another; change of academic program will be allowed on the recommendation of the chairpersons concerned and approval of the dean(s), within first two weeks of the first semester, subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criterion and availability of the seat. Merit of the student has to be above the merit of the last student admitted in the program to which transfer is desired.
Special mid-semester examination: The student shall be allowed by the Dean to appear in special mid-semester examination to be
scheduled latest by the 12th week of the semester.
There shall be a University Examination Committee comprising of
Pro Vice Chancellor (Chairperson)
Registrar / his nominee
Deans of faculties
The Controller of Examinations will be the secretary of the University Examination Committee.
There shall be a Faculty Examination Committee comprising of
Dean of Faculty
Chairpersons of Departments
One senior most faculty member
The teacher concerned may be co-opted in case of complaint of a student.
11.6.2. The Mid Semester Examination shall be held by the end of the 8th week of class work for each course from the commencement of the semester. The final semester examination shall be held at the end of the semester.
11.6.3. The duration of the examinations: –
Mid Semester Examination: at least one hour
Final Semester Examination: two to three hours
The Evaluation Scheme for Theory courses 3(3-0)
Mid Semester Examination 25%
Final Semester Examination 50%
Quizzes, Assignments, Reports, 25% Project, Term Papers, Case Study,
Class Presentation, Group Work etc.
Each laboratory course will be of 1 credit hour and will have its own course
Letter grades are used only for individual courses and not for semester GPA or CGPA. Grade points for each letter grade are given below:
/ chairperson of department of the concerned faculty, may decide to use curving for award of letter grades instead of using fixed percentages tabulated above.
12.1 On successful completion of the examination, the controller of examinations of the University shall compile the final results of the study program and declare the results indicating the marks and grades obtained by the students.
Following is the criterion for award of gold medals to graduating students.
The student had completed 75% attendance of that semester but was unable to appear in the final semester examination because of health reason / death of kin as specified in section on special examination of Academic Rules and had reported his inability to the chairperson of the department in writing before the commencement of the final semester examination.
15.8 The Dean of the faculty in consultation with the chairperson of respective department may decide about the number of students to be registered for a particular course that is being offered for summer semester.
All other conditions regarding pre-requisite courses, duration of mid and final examinations, no choice in question papers and objective-subjective ratio shall remain the same
Maintenance of course file is compulsory for the teachers. It will have a complete record of all academic activities during the semester. The course file will contain:
Attested copy of degree/ result card of last examination taken.
Bank Challan showing the deposit of fee.
An affidavit by the student, duly attested by Magistrate, revealing that the original Migration Certificate issued by the university had been lost and was not used for any other purpose.
A cutting of daily newspaper in which the report regarding loss of Migration Certificate was published.
A certificate to the effect that the applicant had not been registered at the university for which Migration Certificate was issued.
17.8 Once the Migration Certificate is issued, it can be cancelled and admission restored within 3 weeks from the date of issuance of migration certificate. The student will have to provide a certificate from the respective Registrar that he/she had not been registered at that university for which the Migration Certificate was issued.
17.9. No Migration / Credit Transfer Certificate shall be issued to a student who had been debarred from appearing in the university examination or expelled from university / affiliated institute / college for misconduct till such time as the period of punishment lasts.
Only those students will be allowed migration who fulfill the minimum criteria for admission to the relevant course.
The following shall constitute the acts of indiscipline
Punishment or penalty for any of the offenses mentioned under above clauses shall be according to gravity of the case and may be one or more of the following:
A record in the BOOK OF DISCIPLINE to be maintained by the Registrar’s office, as detailed below:
First entry: Stern Warning
Second entry: Monetary Fine
Third entry: Expulsion
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) (2) and (3) of Section 33 of the University of Loralai Act, 2012, the University with the approval of the Senate is pleased to make the following rules to regulate the graduate programs of studies of the University.
The Academic Rules for the Graduate program of studies offered by University of Loralai (UOLI) are in line with best academic practices in vogue at reputed institutions of the world and guidelines provided by Higher Education Commission Islamabad. Aspects covered in these regulations include duration of undergraduate Programs; admissions, attendance, course limit, examinations, research work, MS / PhD thesis, Supervision matters, award of degree and criterion for award of Gold Medal etc. Students of MS, MS leading to PhD and students admitted in direct PhD programs of UOLI are encouraged to go through these rules carefully and plan their studies accordingly.
The Graduate study programs offered at UOLI will include:
Admission test conducted by the University or its authorized testing agency with a minimum 50% cumulative score will be required at the time of admission. Valid GRE (International) test with 50 percentile score or valid GAT subject test with 60% cumulative score will also be acceptable.
The applicants must have completed 16 years of education or equivalent [e.g. BS (4 years) MSc/ MBA etc.] in the relevant field with at least 50% marks or CGPA 2.0 / 4.
If a student scores CGPA less than 1.5 at the end of any semester during the program of studies, the student shall be dropped from the university rolls (GPA of first semester is CGPA as well).
A student shall be allowed to enroll for a maximum of 12 Credit Hours (CH) course work in one semester.
The appointment of principal supervisor and co-supervisor (If any) shall be processed through Graduate Research Committee and InCharge Graduate Studies for approval by Advanced Studies & Research Board (AS&RB). Each MS student shall be allocated a supervisor/ supervisory team as detailed below:
Principal supervisor (from within the University)
Co-supervisor(s) (if deemed necessary) can be from any other institute.
The students’ main contact will be with their principal supervisors. The main responsibilities of the Supervisor(s) and the student are summarized below:
The principal supervisor is accountable to the graduate program coordinator for advising and monitoring the progress of a candidate and leading the supervisory team. Responsibilities of a Principal Supervisor include:
Responsibilities common to both principal supervisor and co-supervisor include:
Responsibilities of students include:
research proposal,
taking the initiative in identifying research problems and potential solutions to these problems,
In case the principal supervisor leaves the university, the student may be provided with alternate supervision. The Chairperson in consultation with the Dean shall place the matter in the departmental/faculty Graduate Research Committee. The graduate research committee shall recommend alternate supervision (principal supervisor) for the student.
The leaving principal supervisor, however, may act as co-supervisor till the completion of the degree of the concerned student.
There shall be a Graduate Research Committee at department level. However, if the minimum required number (as per HEC criteria for each program) of PhD faculty is not available then committee may be constituted at the faculty level. Responsibilities of the committee include:
A student has to defend his/her research proposal/synopsis in a seminar at the respective department/faculty in the presence of Graduate Research Committee. Its recommendations shall be forwarded to AS&RB through Graduate Studies office for consideration. In addition to the proposal defense, a student has to present a progress seminar in the presence of graduate research committee.
The research proposal will provide a justification for the proposed research. The justification should demonstrate that the student is familiar with the key literature in the area and that the candidate can critically evaluate it and use it to build an argument to justify the research question. In addition, the proposal should demonstrate that the student has the knowledge and skills to carry out the research. A research proposal may contain the following components:
Title page of the synopsis should include title of the research
Comprising of all the contents of the synopsis with page numbers.
A brief description to introduce the area of the proposed research work along with background information and problem statement.
Objectives to be achieved should be clearly outlined (numbering). These objectives will indicate major aspects of the study to be undertaken.
It is important to provide justification and benefits of the proposed research, in the light of previous work done. It should be possible in most cases to anticipate the specific and general benefits likely to be achieved as a result of completion of the proposed research.
A review of the relevant and up to-date literature showing the work done previously in the area of proposed research is essential to plan further studies effectively after identifying the research gap.
A plan of work describing various aspects of the study in a logical sequence along with the methodologies to be employed, are the most important component of any research plan. Sufficient details to demonstrate that the researcher has a fairly good idea about the nature of work likely to be involved should be provided. In the case of experimental sciences, e.g., which equipment and experimental procedures will be used to obtain the results; in the case of social sciences what resource materials will be used; whether the required information will be obtained from primary or secondary sources, etc. A time schedule for the various aspects of the proposed research may be provided wherever possible.
In order to complete the proposed research some specialized facilities may be required. For example, in case of experimental sciences different equipment may be involved or in the case of, may be, a study on a scholar, the relevant literature may be available in a foreign country. Therefore, it is important to identify the place where the research work will be undertaken and whether the resources and facilities required for doing the research are available.
Synopsis should contain at the end a list of references, and a bibliography if required.
After the completion of course work and assigning research supervisor(s), the student has to maintain progress consistent with the timeframe approved in the research proposal. The progress shall be monitored and documented by the principal supervisor and graduate program coordinator of the relevant faculty and shall
subsequently be communicated to the GS Office under intimation to the chairperson and faculty Dean.
The bi-annual progress report shall be completed by the end of spring and fall semesters. The student is required to indicate the work carried out during the previous six months or from commencement. The progress shall include:
The student shall submit the progress report to the principal supervisor who shall make recommendations on it. The report shall be forwarded to the GS Office by the principal supervisor through the relevant faculty dean/ chairperson/ graduate program coordinator.
Once a student has submitted thesis it shall be sent to the examiner for evaluation. The principles governing examination at GS OFFICE are:
shall be kept informed of progress at different stages of the process.
The examiner shall evaluate the thesis, provide a written report and make one of the following recommendations:
The thesis maybe re-submitted to the examiner after completing the required extra work and revision indicated in the report (R)*.
The Incharge Graduate Studies in the light of examiner’s report and consequent incorporation of the required amendments in the thesis shall announce a student eligible for defense and viva. The following defense process shall be followed:
The flow-chart/ roadmap for award of MS degree is given here under:
The program focuses on two aspects:
The main objectives of PhD program are to enable the students to;
There are two entry points for PhD program:
The applicant must possess:
Incharge Graduate Studies for approval and notification by the Controller of Examinations.
The research proposal will provide a justification for the proposed research. The justification should demonstrate that the student is familiar with the key literature in the area and that the candidate can critically evaluate it and use it to build an argument to justify the research question. In addition, the proposal should demonstrate that the student has the methodological knowledge and skills to carry out the research.
Formally each research student is admitted under probation and becomes a confirmed candidate only when the following conditions have been met:
/ her entire program of studies.
A student shall be allowed to enroll for a maximum of 9 credit hour course work in one semester.
After the completion of course work and assigning research supervisor(s), the student has to maintain progress consistent with the timeframe approved in the research proposal. The progress shall be monitored and documented by the principal supervisor and graduate program coordinator of the relevant faculty and shall subsequently be communicated to the GS OFFICE under intimation to the chairperson and faculty dean.
The bi-annual progress report shall be completed by the end of spring and fall semesters. The student is required to indicate the work carried out during the previous six months or from commencement. The progress shall include:
The student shall submit the progress report to the principal supervisor who shall make recommendations on it. The report shall be forwarded to the GS OFFICE by the principal supervisor through the relevant faculty dean/ chairperson/ graduate program coordinator.
leave beyond four weeks shall be determined by the Advance Studies and Research Board (AS&RB) on recommendation of the principal supervisor.
Once a student has submitted thesis it shall be sent to the examiners for evaluation. The principles governing examination at GS OFFICE are:
If two examiners from technologically/academically advanced countries recommend thesis of the candidate for the award of PhD degree, the AS&RB shall advise InCharge Graduate Studies for conduct of public defense.
Each examiner shall examine the thesis, provide written report on prescribed proforma and make one of the following recommendations:
The InCharge Graduate Studies in the light of examiners’ report and consequent incorporation of the required amendments in the thesis shall announce a student eligible for defense and viva. The following defense process shall be followed:
A student shall be awarded PhD degree subject to the fulfillment of the following requirements:
Successful public defense and viva
The flow-chart/ roadmap for award of PhD degree is given here under:
Letter grades are used only for individual courses and not for semester GPA or CGPA. Grade points for each letter grade are given below:
Following is the criterion for award of gold medals to graduating students.
CGPA required for award of Gold Medal is 3.85
In developing research proposal, the student need to explicitly consider the ethical implications of various aspects of the research. Formally, if the proposed course of research raises ethical issues, then student need to obtain a formal ethical clearance from the ethics committee before undertaking the research.
To occupy, recognized position, through access, quality and relevance among the institutions of quality higher education, in the world.
To occupy, recognized position, through access, quality and relevance among the institutions of quality higher education, in the world.