Computer Science

Computer Science

Department of Computer Science


  • Tobe a center of excellence in research in computer science & empower the lives of individuals to fulfill their academic excellence.
  • Builda strong research and teaching environment that responds quickly to the challenges of the 21st century.


  • The department shines in teaching and exploration that advance technical and scientific strength of the region as well as the nation.
  • The Department will promote excellence in teaching, scholarly activities, and creative endeavors of both faculty and students.
  • TheDepartment will utilize available resources to produce CS graduates those equipped with state- of-the-art technical knowledge, scientific and logical skills, be able to work successfully within any challenging environment.

Core Values

  • We relentlessly pursue quality and 
  • Students are the primary reason we exist as an
  • We live integrity, civility, and
  • Teachers must learn up-to-date education to become well-qualified.

Aims and Objective

  • To enhancethe capability of students to analyze and solve problems in computing-related areas to continually upgrade their knowledge and skills.
  • Toprepare students to be effective oral and written communicators enabling them to function effectively as members of multi-disciplinary teams.
  • To produce the next-generation Computer Scientists, creating well-aware developments and techniques for contributing to the advancement of computing and research.
  • Todevelop “enterprise” skills in students through the provision of industry-related 
  • Toenable students, use and design new and innovative systems that meet society’s 
  • Toassist students to utilize their talent in the field of production, maintenance management, and development of software systems for companies that produce & design information systems & computer networks.

Chairperson’s Message

It is a matter of honor and pleasure for me to introduce the Department of Computer Science, University of Loralai. Since its inception, the field of Computer Science has seen very rapid growth. The science of computers is a very dynamic, vast, and promising field at the global level. The department of computer science at the UoL aims at providing an unforgettable experience to its students under the umbrella of visionary and encouraging faculty and a world-class learning environment. Our Computer science department at UoL has the hallmark of knowledgeable, qualified, and skilled faculty and staff. The department offers a BS in computer science. The importance of research cannot be ignored in today’s world for state-of-the-art development of technology. Therefore, research and its application in industry with collaboration is a critical component for the success of a university.

We affectionately welcome new students to a pleasant learning environment at the CS department at the UoL.I hope you will enjoy being a part of our proud UoL family.


Bilal Khan

(Chairperson) Lecturer

Fahad Lateef


Muhammad Khawar Abbas


Nizam Muhammad


Ismail Khan


Abdul Ali




Jahanzaib Bakhtiar


Proposed Study Plan (Semester-wise) for BS Computer Science according to HEC Graduate Education Policy

To occupy, recognized position, through access, quality and relevance among the institutions of quality higher education, in the world.

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University of Loralai, Quetta Road, Zerh Karez, Loralai, Balochistan.