Office Of Treasurer

Office Of Treasurer

The Office of Treasurer has the most important task of managing the university’s financial assets and liabilities. It is exclusively responsible for managing the finances of University of Loralai with complete honesty, wisdom and foresight for the betterment and expansion of the university. The Office of the Treasurer is also under obligation to ensure production and payroll deduction disbursements. This office also deals with the various applications related to fee submission, late submission of fee, refund of securities, payment of fine, duplicate semester results, thesis extension, convocation registration and gown security etc.

Major activities of the department:

  1. Preparation of Annual and Revised Budget and Statement of Annual Accounts.
  2. Submission of Budget Proposals for funding to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
  3. Grant-in-Aid to the Government of the Balochistan.
  4. To arrange meetings of the Finance & Planning Committee, preparation of working papers/agenda of the meeting.
  5. Dealing with cases of Re-appropriation of funds.
  6. To get the funds (development and non-development) from Government of the Balochistan.
  7. Process the fund releases cases in the Finance Department, Accountant General Office and Treasury Office.
  8. Submission of information relating to Budget and Finance of the University to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad/ Governor’s Secretariat / Government of the Balochistan.
  9. Dealing with the replies of Assembly Questions relating to the finances of the University.
  10. Dealing with the Pay Bills / Arrear Bills of the University Staff.
  11. Issuance of salary certificates/yearly Income Certificates for Income tax purpose
  12. Monitoring the receipts from Government/own sources
  13. Processing the bills of Contractors/suppliers
  14. Maintaining Cash Books/Income & Expenditure Registers.
  15. Dealing with the Audit Paras
  16. Preparation of quarterly utilization reports for submission to the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
  17. Payments of all kinds
  18. All procurements of the University as well as Development Projects.
  19. To register suppliers in the University.
  20. To arrange the meeting of the Standing Purchase Committees.
  21. To arrange, attend and write the minutes of all the meetings of Purchase Committee.
  22. To keep the proper record of the Fees and other dues to be collected from the students.
  23. To maintain the record of Scholarships paid to the students and refund of Fees.




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Role Of Treasurer Office

Functions of Treasurer Office

  1. To manage the assets, liabilities, receipts, expenditures, grants, funds and investment of the University including opening, maintaining and closing of bank accounts for various purposes.
  2. To prepare the annual and revised budget estimates of Development & Non-Development budget, get it approval from Syndicate through F&P Committee. After its approval implement the budget and submit utilization to the HED & HEC respectively.
  3. To provide advisory services to the Vice Chancellor and other officers of the University on matters relating to finance and accounts.
  4. To make and / or arrange payments within the amount sanctioned by the concerned Competent Authority.
  5. To determine mode and time of payments and transfer of funds.
  6. To call the Finance & Planning Committee (F&PC) to:
    • Consider annual statement of accounts and revised Budget Estimates and advice the Board, thereon.
    • Review periodically the financial positions of the University.
    • Advise the Syndicate on all matters relating to planning, development, finance, investment and accounts of the University.
    • Prepare short term and long-term development plans.
    • Prepare resources development plans.
    • Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the statutes.

Internal Control

  1. Prepare the annual and revised Budget Estimates of the University and present them to the Finance & Planning Committee (F&PC) and Syndicate.
  2. To ensure that the funds of the University are expended for the purposes for which they are provided.


  1. To have the accounts audited by the Government Auditors and submit the report to the Syndicate with such annotations as may be required.

Financial Reporting

  1. To provide to the Vice Chancellor, F&PC and Syndicate with required information on financial matters and to bring to the notice of the Vice Chancellor any infringements of the provisions of UOL Ordinance, Statutes and Rules on financial matters and to ensure that the decision of the Syndicate, the Vice Chancellor and / or other statutory authorities of the University as, communicated to him, are given proper effect.

Treasurer Office Staff











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